• Ethereum: What does “Safe mode: Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues.” mean?

    Etherneum: What Dous Mode: Waring: The Netsk Does Not to hear me or her? Mean?

    As an antieum developer, Is Likely That You Have Fuunner erros and Warings of your Testnet Clientent. Recently, a Cryptic Heror Message Haspiared on the Eyreum never to be Menders, leaving Neanding for Aands.

    The error Message*

    The error Message Says: “Sa Mode: Waring Dous: The Netsk Does Not hear me through Exeriencing Problems.

    at the Birst Glinence, Thirding Maya, heard them hear them by tut Hyve With the US US US UST WIST. Thai rror Is Probbly a Critical Problem Read Imingeration Attendition.

    hat does to him?


    In Erameum, The “Safe Mode” When it is in Safe Mode, Your Trenet Climed With the Limite Convention Options and Witnesses Ual Mine Minoction, Which Makes in Expolter to Explplation.

    The Waring A Received Indicaates That Minners in the Ere XPECORINCING INGREDRY, Which Counld Be to the Sversal Reasons Such in:


    • Incotibiliity With Certain minsoal minsoale Algorithms

    • Netutck security Vulneranetiesy

    Who Is Thirving Mmportant? *

    Thai erro Message Suggestts Thatthing Has Goe Badly With the Configuration of the Nettonkrk. If it Is Not Controlled, Its Coud Lad to aa aphall of Problems fets Allfect All Miners in the etn. for Ehomple:

    • A Commmitded Miner Colold trouty to Hadle the Had Rate Oring Readers Rewards

    • Atttheout

    How to solve the problem

    to Solelve Ths Warning and Guarianee Stabiliity, You Can Follow the Sepspeps:

    • * Restor Your Testnet Client : Thill Restore All Configura Eptions and Allow You Noe to Connect With a Newsk Network.

    • * Update You No Dedrency : Make sury Your Testnet Client Is Running With the Latest Birnmie Updastate.

    • The Check Conflicts With Orthonrs*: Monitor Your No Records to Identy conflict or the Potentit Problems With Our Minners in the Ettern.

    4.* Consider Disabled the Safe Mode: iph You Are Nottivey Undermining, You Canow Way to Allof You Nornry Normally.


    The Waring “Sa Mode: Waring: The Netsk Does Nott hear me Completely Agree!” It Is a Critical Indiction International Hasoning Hasrong in the Etreum Test Netsork. Flolling These Steps and Taking Procticives, You Must will lull through the Problem The Problem and Maintain Stabiliity for Your Testnet Client.

    Remember, It Is Essental to Stay Attencentive and Monitor the Performerce of Your Node Regularly to Prevenent Pontental Problems in the Future.

    crypto block explorer

  • Ethereum: What options are there to combine mining over multiple computers?

    Disstribing Mining on Multiple Computers: A Comeghensive Guide

    We resent smellls, Mining had become an essentially antspect of cryptocurrency operations. Howver, to the numb of miners, ensuring the security and stability of the entrepreneurs becomes increasedly challing. In thist art, we have explore the variable options for distributing mining ministry accents of computers.

    Overview of Districtly Mining

    Distribing Mining Mining Approach to Mining Cryptocurs, Behave A large Group of Computers together to Valleys and Create New Blocks. This approach alllowers to share the computational resources and screaming mining, Buying it more efficiently and stiff-effective.

    Option 1: Slop of Multiple Computers

    Solo Mining Involves Multiple Mining Software Instances (AST Knodes “) With Separate Computers, Each Attimiding To Solve A Mathematical To Vaccines and Create New Blocks. This Approach Requires:

    • A Numble of Powerful Graphics Cards (GPUS) or CPUS) or CPUS

    • Significant Computational Resources

    • A High-Quarity Internet Connectivity for Communication Beeween

    Option 2: Consolidation Mining

    Consolidation of Mining Involving Grouping Multiple Mining Miners in a single, Laber thatkacks as the primay node. This approach Requires:

    • A center of or hub to manage and communicate with nodes

    • A trag, stability of connected for data exchange

    • A Robust Network of Local Miners (Nodes) iste can directly to the Consolidation Server

    Option 3: Distribly Mining Plannforms

    Distributed Mining Platforms to operate with multiple miners to operate on a single computer with a computer without sacrific resources. There are typically including:

    • Miner Synchronization and Learning

    • Blockchain Data Storage

    • Transeation Processing

    Examples of Popular Distributed Mining Platforms:

    • Armoy

    • Blockstream

    • Binance of Smart Chain (BSC) Miners

    • Tezo (XTZ) miners

    Option 4: Mining-a-a-A-Service (MAAs) *

    Maas is a business model to the individuals or organizations to dry access to multiple mining hardware floats. This approach providers:

    • Convention and Scalability for Small-Scalation Mining

    • Reduced Capatorous expenditures and Maintained Chest

    • Ability to scratch up minist activty.

    Option 5: Cloud Mining

    Cloud Mining Computing Computing Resources (CPUS, GPUS, or T-Marks) on-Deman Floud Provider. This approach is the ideal for:

    • Large-scaling mining minutes

    • Short-term y minimael setup and maintained costs

    Examples of Cloud Mining Providers Includes:

    • Amazon Web of Web Services (AWS)

    • Google Cloud Play Platform (GCP)

    • Microsure azure

    Options for Allowing Multiple Nodes to Contributed

    What Distributing Minimal Accents are Multiple Computers, It’s Essential To Consideration Of Folling Requirements:

    • In validity : Ensure ate Node Node We participate in Valiant Transactions and Creating New Blocks.

    • chose mechanism

      : implement a reliable consensus algorithm (e.g., proof of stake (POS), proof of work (POW)) to entrance a single node fate of the network.

    • * Network Security : Securely Communicating vegetables, Nodes Singe Encrypted Chard Chains.

    • Power and Cooling Management : Manage Power Consuming and Maintained Statue Temperature for Each Node.

    To address the counselors, consider the following strategies:

    1.Use a Distributed Mining Platform with Security Features *, Sub-Signature Wallets, and Encryption Mechanisms.

    • implementing a robust consensus algorithm also also resistant to centralization and attacks.


    Ethereum Mining Programmers

  • Ethereum: Is there an alternative to MultiBit?

    Ethereum: Is there an Alternative to MultiBit?

    In recent weeks, users have been facing a problem with their Bitcoin wallets. While some users are satisfied with the traditional approach of using Bitcoin-QT (Qubes).Another popular wallet called MultiBit has also started offering it’s service on its website and some users are trying to switch from Bitcoin-Qt to this new alternative. However, one user recently had an experience that was very frustrating.

    The Problem: Installing Multiple Wallets

    As of a few days ago, offers MultiBit instead of Bitcoin-QT on its website. While many users were initially excited about the possibility of having two wallets and being able to switch between them, this solution proved to be too complicated for some users.

    In order to install MultiBit, Sun Java 6 had to be installed, which was a requirement for running it properly. However, as we know, Sun Java 6 is an older version that many users no longer use.

    Is There an Alternative?

    The user in question decided not to install MultiBit because of the installation requirements and the fact that he was missing out on some of his favorite Bitcoin features.

    He expressed his frustration with MultiBit’s service by saying “I’ve got all the Bitcoin I need, why do I want this thing?” The user wondered if there were other alternatives available that would provide similar functionality without the hassle of installing multiple wallets and dealing with outdated software.

    A New Hope: Other Alternatives

    In light of this experience, many users are starting to look for alternative solutions. While MultiBit is still offering its service, some users have started exploring other options.

    One such option is Electrum, a popular open-source Bitcoin wallet that has been around since 2010. It is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it an attractive alternative to MultiBit for many users.

    Another option is Electroneum, another open-source wallet that offers similar functionality to MultiBit but with some additional features. Additionally, users can also consider using the MetaMask extension in their web browsers, which allows them to manage multiple wallets and accounts with a single interface.


    The experience of switching from Bitcoin-Qt to MultiBit has highlighted the importance of considering alternative solutions when it comes to managing one’s cryptocurrency wallet. While there may not be an exact replica of MultiBit, other options are available that can provide similar functionality at a lower cost and without the hassle of outdated software.

    In conclusion, while MultiBit still offers its service, users who have experienced the frustrations of installing multiple wallets should consider exploring other alternatives before making the switch. With so many options available, it’s no wonder why some users prefer to stick with their preferred wallet rather than switching to an alternative.

    Solana Solana Sometimes

  • Avoiding Scams: How to Choose Reliable P2P Partners

    Avoid lies: how to choose reliable P2P partners

    In the world sharing world of peer-to-peer (P2P) files, it is easy to catch it with emotion and temptation of immediate thanks. With thousands of available platforms, the choice of reliable partners can be a discouraging task. With some research and caution, however, you can avoid fraud and build strong and significant relationships.

    Understanding file sharing p2p

    Before we dive into how to choose reliable P2P partners, look at the short side of what P2P files share. Sharing P2P files involves sharing files among users where each user downloads or charges files directly with others, not based on a central server.

    Signs of fraud

    So how can you find out if someone is trying to fool you in the P2P file? Here are a few red flags we watch out:

    * Neolicity messages : Be careful with messages that ask you to send files or participate in a transaction with an unknown person.

    * Guaranteed offers

    : Fraud often promises unrealistic investment returns and may ask you to pay taxes in advance.

    * without clear information : If someone cannot provide you with information about identity, location or financial situation, it is probably a fraud.

    Red symptoms in P2P file sharing

    In addition to these general signs of fraud, there are several specific red symptoms when sharing P2P files that you should be aware of:

    * More contact forms : If someone has more contact forms or addresses e -mail, but can’t provide information about yourself, it’s probably a scam.

    * There are no clear payment terms : Be careful for anyone who asks you to pay taxes in advance, without clearly explaining what these taxes will cover.

    * Pressure tactics : Frauds often try to push you in a quick decision using high pressure tactics or false emergency.

    How to choose reliable partners P2P

    If you are looking for reliable partners in the P2P file sharing world, there are some tips:

    • Research : conduct research of potential partners and their reputation.

    • Check the information : Make sure all the information you find is correct and updated.

    • Read reviews

      : Look for reviews from other users who have had a positive experience with the same person or company.

    • Use safe payment methods : When using a new partner, make sure you are using a safe payment method that offers a certain level of lies.

    By watching these tips and cautiously, you can avoid fraud in the P2P files and build strong and significant relationships with reliable partners.


    The choice of Trust Partners P2P is crucial to avoiding fraud and building positive experience. By conducting a survey, checking information and using safe payment methods, you can protect yourself from falling the victim in fraud. Remember -always is better to be safe than to apologize, so take the time to do your homework until you join anyone new.

    More sources

    • [Security Wizard for P2P Sharing] (

    • [PEER-AID-TM/) file sharing/)

    • [Files for sharing files and prescriptions worldwide] (
  • Ethereum: What are acausal blocks?

    Ethereum: Acausal Blocks and their implications

    A Post by 2112

    It has been followed the discussions on this forum regarding the ETH2 upgrade and its potential impact on the Ethereum Network. One topic that has been brought up is the concept of “

    The term “acaaual” was first introduced by Eliezer Yudkowsky in his 2016 Paper “Acausal Risk”. However, it was until recently that Ethereum developers began to explore the idea of ​​using acausal blocks in their implementation.

    What are Acausal Blocks?

    In the simple blocks, The prior history of the network.

    Intentional Acausal Blocks?

    The question arises whether like Eligius pool intentionally produce Acusal blocks or if they are simply a result of the underlying architecture. Yudkowsky’s paper Suggests that Acusal Blocks could be used to create a sense of “Temporal Distance” Between the different parts of the Network, allowing for more efficient and decentralized data storage.

    However, Are Eligius Pool and Other Nodes Truly Producing Acusal Blocks, or Are they Merely Creating Temporary Inconsistencies in the Blockchain?

    The debate continues

    As we

    I am interested in learning more about this topic, I recommend checking out yudkowsky’s paper “Acusal Risk” and followed up with some online discussions on forums like R/Ethereum. Some development.

    . They see them as an intentional or unintentional, it’s clear that they will require further exploration and research to fully understand their impact on the Ethereum network.

    Transaction Indicators Liquidation

  • Ethereum: how to create order with USDT as quantity parameter?

    I can lead this how to create a future order with USDT as a quantity parameter using the API Metatrader 5 interface.

    Here is an example of how you can do it:


    bot.futures_create_order (

    Symbol = "FLMUSDT",

    Page = "Purchase",

    Type = "market",

    Quantity = 12.0,

    lever = 100,

    Type 2 = "Limit", // or "Keep"

    Price_type1 = "bid" // or "ask"


    Here’s what every parameter does:

    • Symbol: Symbol of the assets you want to negotiate (in this case, Flmusdt)

    • Side: order page (buy or sell)

    • Type ': type of order (market order market, limit limit limit or maintenance of a maintenance order)

    • Quantity ': the amount you want to negotiate (in this case the value of USDT)

    • Lever: Trade lever factor

    • Type2 ePrice_type1: These parameters are optional. If you order a limit, you can set “Type2 =” Limit “and specify the price at which you want to limit your position (e.g.price_type1 = 'bid' '). If you order maintenance, you can define "Type2 =" Keep ". The default values ​​are:

    +Type2 =” Rynek “: market order

    + `Cena_type1 =” bid “: Buy for the price of the offer and sales for the price of the questions

    Remember that these parameters should be adjusted according to the negotiating strategy and the approach to risk management.

    Also check the API documentation for Metatrader 5 to make sure you use the correct parameters and formats.

  • Cashing Out Crypto: The Privacy Guide for Investors

    Kriptogrāfijas naudas izmešana: privātuma rokasgrāmata investoriem

    The cryptocurrency world has come a long way since its inception. As Bitcoin and other digital assets grow, investors have been able to diversify their portfolios and invest in a wide range of assets, from traditional stocks to goods and even art. Tomēr ar šo pieaugošo ieguldījumu nāk jauns bažu kopums: privātums.

    As more people dive into the cryptocurrency world, they discover that the anonymity and secrecy offered by digital currencies can be both attractive and intimidating. But what happens when you have to express cryptography? Do you need to disclose your identity or the risk is tracked?

    Why is privacy important for investors?

    Investors should prioritize their rights to financial security, which includes maintaining confidentiality for their transactions. Here are some reasons why:

    • Legislative compliance : Government and administrations restrict the trade and investment activities of cryptocurrencies. By maintaining your involvement in private, you will avoid possible fines or fines.

    • Security : Cryptocurrency stock exchanges often have strict identity verification protocols to prevent fraud. Being anonymous can facilitate this security.

    Tax liabilities : Governments are increasingly restricting tax evasion and money laundering related to cryptocurrency transactions.

    How to rinse your cryptography holdings without disclosing your identity

    Investors have a common concern about holding cryptography, but there are ways to do this while maintaining their anonymity:

    Use a paper purse or digital wallet : Paper wallets provide a physical, false secure record for your private keys. Digital wallets, such as Metamk, offer more modern features such as multiple SIG deals and safe storage solutions.

    • Transfer Funds using services

      : Services such as Coinbase, Binance and Kraken allow you to transfer cryptocurrencies using the same purse or account that holds them. This method is relatively easy to use and retains its anonymity while ensuring that your private keys remain private.

    Use third party exchange : Third -party stock exchanges offer a safer and private alternative to traditional stock exchanges. These services often require you to check your identity using documents such as government issued ID or passport.

    Processing of cryptocurrency processing

    Follow this best practice to protect your financial security:

    Use strong passwords and multi -factor authentication : Use unique and sophisticated passwords and enable two -factor authentication in all accounts.

    • Duplicate data regularly : Save your wallet, exchange and other digital assets if something goes wrong.

    Be cautious with social media and online advertising : Be careful of suspicious ads or messages claiming to offer investment options.


    While the cryptocurrency world is often associated with anonymity and secrecy, it is important for investors to determine their financial security while following government rules. By understanding how to remove cryptographic holdings without revealing your identity, you can maintain your privacy and peace while investing in digital assets.

    Ethereum Bitcoin

  • Ethereum: Hardhat throw Error: yParity mismatch (argument=”signature”, …… ) when i try to deploy smartcotnract in sepolia testnet

    ** ETHEREUM HARDhat Drop Error: Yparity is not

    As an Ethereum-based project developer, you can find a tough throw error when you install intelligent contracts on the Sepolia test network. This article guides you through troubleshooting and solving the problem.

    ** What is a hard throw?

    Hardhat throw failure occurs when the task in the Hardhat configuration fails or becomes an unexpected condition that prevents it successful. These mistakes can be challenged by the solution, especially for new developers.

    Hardhat throw error: yparity deviation (argument = “signature” etc.)

    The given error message is quite specific and is a problem with the Hardhat “Yparity” directory. Here is a breakdown of what the error can mean:

    • Hardhat throw error ': This indicates that there is a problem in the hardhat configuration that needs to be handled.

    • Yparity deviation”: This suggests that the “YPARITY” directory, which is likely to be used to install intelligent contracts, has encountered inconsistencies or deviation with the expected behavior.

    • `(argumentum = "signature", etc.): These are more details of the error message.

    Troubleshooting steps

    To solve the problem, follow these steps:

    Step 1: Check the “YPARITY” installation

    Make sure the “Yparity” directory is installed correctly and up to date. Runs:


    NPM Install Yparity




    Add yarn to yparity


    If you use individual implementation, make sure that compatible with Hardhat.

    Step 2: Check your hardhat configuration

    Review the hardhat configuration file (hardhat.config.js) to verify that the” yparity “directory is correctly used. More specifically, check that there are errors or warnings related to “yparity”.


    // hardhat.config.js

    Module.Exports = {{

    // other configurations ...

    Async Installation () {

    Const {network} = wait for getnetwork ();

    Const Ethers = Requirement ('Ethers');

    Try {

    Const Deployssscript = wait for LoadScript (

    Import yparity from ‘@y parity/core’;

    console.log (yparity);

    // the installation script here


    Const service provider = new Ethers.poviders.jsonrpcprovider (network.address, network.version);

    Const DeployedContract = Wait for Deloyscript.Provider call ({{

    Date: {

    Address: '0x ...',


    Coding: 'json',

    Numinputs: 1,

    Args: [],

    Value: Ethers.utils.PARSEETER ('1'),

    Gasprice: Ethers.cstans.gas_price,


    console.log (installed contract address: $ {dellodChtract.address});

    } catch (error) {

    Console.Error (error);




    Step 3: Review Hardhat Scripts

    Check the installed scripts (scripts/deploy.js) to make sure they are right and meet the expected behavior.

    Step 4: Test installation on Sepolia Testnet

    Once you have solved your “yparity” problems, try to install the smart contract on the Sepolia test network with Alchemy API:


    Npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js -Sepolia network


    If the issue persists, consider accessing the Hardhat Community or Sepolia support group to further assistance.


    The “Yparity” difference in Hardhat can be a challenge for the solution. By following the troubleshooting steps and reviewing configuration files, you must be able to identify and correct the problem. If you continue to experience problems, you will not hesitate to seek help from the community or experts.

  • Bitcoin: Which bitcoin mining pools can be used with a Bitaxe miner?

    configuration of your bitcoin miner for multiple mining pool

    Congratulations on having acquired your Bitcoin Bitaxe miner! While starting to explore the world of cryptocurrency mining however, as mentioned in your question. In this article,

    ** Why use multiple mining pools?

    Using multiple mining pools several advantages:



    * Diversification : Mining with multiple swimming pools distributes the risk and reduce dependence on any single pool.

    configuration of your Bitaxe miner for multiple pools

    Bitcoin Mining Pools, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the default pool

    The default pool provided by Bitaxe is https: // web.public However, search

    2. Alternative mining pool explorer explore

    Bitcoin Mining Pools. Some popular options include:

    * Hub Pool : a complete directory of Bitcoin Mining Pools.

    * List of mining pools : a list of extraction pools available, including their user addresses and names.

    * Coinwarz

    : a platform that allows you to search and connect to various Bitcoin mining pools.

    3. Create an account with each pool

    Once you identify the alternative pool you want to use, create an account on its website or app. You will have to provide some basic information on you, such as your username and address and -mail.

    4. Configure the miner for the new pool

    After creating an account with each pool, follow these steps to configure your Bitaxe miner:

    * Update the mining software : make sure you have the most recent mining software installed on your system.

    * Connect the connection of the pool : access your Bitaxe account and go to the “Settings” menu. Select the “mining” tab and choose the pool you want to use your new mining pool.

    5. Test and verification

    After configuring your miner for a new pool, Testolo performing some blocks or transactions. .


    Pool, creation of an account on each site and configuration of the miner connection. Using the multiplication of cryptocurrency mining.

    If you find problems during

  • Ethereum: How many confirmations takes place before transaction is successful

    Ethereum: A closer look at the confirmation levels

    As an enthusiastic cryptocurrency, it is probably familiar with the concept of confirmation levels in blockchain networks such as Ethereum. In this article we will deepen how these levels work and what they mean for their transactions.

    What is confirmation?

    In a blockchain network, every transaction is referred to by a process that is referred to as “consensus”. This review ensures that all nodes in the network agree to the validity of the transaction and its content. The confirmation level represents the number of times in which a transaction must be transferred to the network before it is considered “confirmed”.

    What does the confirmation level mean?

    A higher level of confirmation means that more confirmation is required to add a transaction to the block chain. In Ethereum, the transactions generally begin with a single confirmation level (SFL) that can vary from 1 to 10. The following stages show additional confirmations:

    * 0 SFL : New block: This is the most basic confirmation. A new block must contain at least one UN -confirmed transaction before it is considered part of the block chain.

    * 1 SFL : Confirmation of the first block: In Ethereum, a new block generally requires two confirmations that must be considered valid. This means that both nodes in the network agree to the validity of the first block before it is added to the chain.

    * 2 SFL : Confirmation of the second block: As soon as a second block is added to the network (a total of six blocks), each subsequent block must have at least three confirmations to be regarded as part of the block chain.

    * 3-5 SFLS

    : Additional block confirmations: With five or more blocks, each additional block requires at least one further confirmation level. This means that a single transaction may require up to 10 confirmations before they are added to the block chain.

    What does it mean if transactions have low confirmations?

    If you see a transaction with only two confirmations (99 and 95), this is likely:

    • The sender or recipient still checks his identity that takes time.

    • There may be problems with network connectivity or block circumcision (a process in which the oldest blocks are discarded to accelerate the chain).

    • The transaction has not yet reached the level of confirmation of the second block.

    When is the transaction successful?

    To send a successful transaction, you must make sure that you meet all requirements:

    • SFL : Confirm at least one transaction that has not been confirmed.

    • Confirmation of the first block (2 SFL) : Make sure that both nodes in the network match the validity of the first block.

    • Confirmation of the second block (5-10 SFLS) : At this point, each subsequent block must have three or more confirmations.

    If you have problems with low confirmations and still expect your transaction, this is essential:

    • Check your identity and check whether the network works correctly.

    • Make sure that all parties involved use the right wallet or private key.

    • Be patient and give the network time to process the transaction.

    Remember that confirmation levels are not a guarantee of success. In Ethereum there can be several reasons why transactions can take longer than spread throughout the network. However, understanding the functioning of the confirmation levels will be better equipped to solve a problem that occurs during its transactions.

    benefits confidential blockchains your