Bitcoin: How can I get Sparrow Wallet to send change back to the origin address?

Sparrow Wallet Reversal

As a Bitcoin user, you may be familiar with sending and receiving Bitcoins through various wallets and exchanges. However, when using Sparrow Wallet, you may encounter issues where the change is sent back to the original address instead of being refunded. In this article, we will explore how to achieve this functionality in Sparrow Wallet.

Understanding Use Change

In Electrum, you can set use_change: false to prevent Bitcoin from being sent back to its original address when transferring funds. However, this feature is not available in Sparrow Wallet.

Using Alternative Methods with Sparrow Wallet

To get change back to the original address in Sparrow Wallet, follow these steps:

  • Transfer Bitcoin to Your Sparrow Account

    : Log in to your Sparrow Wallet and transfer Bitcoin from another wallet or exchange.

  • Go to the “Transactions” tab: In your Sparrow Wallet, go to the Transactions tab where you are viewing the current transaction.
  • Check the “Use Change” option: Look for a drop-down menu labeled “Use Change”. If it is not available, check if there are options like “Return to Origin Address”.
  • Select the correct method: Select “Return to Origin Address” instead of the default “Return to Recipient’s Wallet”.

Additional Tips

  • Make sure you are using the latest version of Sparrow Wallet.

**If you have multiple accounts with different settings, try resetting them all to their default state.

By following these steps, you should be able to get your change back to its original address in Sparrow Wallet. Keep in mind that this feature is not available by default, so you will need to manually select the “Return to starting address” option or use alternative methods.


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