Ethereum: Use Chainlink VRF in another smart contract

Using Chainlink VRF to Increase Randomness in Your Ethereum Smart Contract

As a beginner Solidity developer, you are on the right track. In this article, we will walk you through the process of integrating randomness from Chainlink VRF into a second smart contract.

What is Chainlink VRF?

Chainlink VRF (Vitalik Random Function) is a decentralized oracle service that provides high-quality random numbers for Ethereum smart contracts. This is an important component for creating reliable and secure decentralized applications.

Why use Chainlink VRF?

Using Chainlink VRF provides several advantages:

  • Increased randomness: obtaining truly random numbers from the Internet, reducing dependence on hard-coded values ​​or external sources.
  • Enhanced Security: Avoid vulnerabilities related to hard-coded values ​​or external APIs.
  • Increased reliability

    : Reduce dependence on third-party services and ensure consistency in your application.

Integration of Chainlink VRF in the second smart contract

To integrate Chainlink VRF into a second smart contract, follow these steps:

  • Install the necessary libraries: In your main contract, install chainlink-Oracle for Ethereum and VrfClient for Web3.js.
  • Configure VRF oracle node: Configure VRF oracle node using Chainlink API or custom implementation (more on this below).
  • Instance the VRF client: Initialize the VRF client in your main contract to extract the randomness values ​​from the oracle node.
  • Use a random value in your contract logic

Here is an example of how you can use VrfClient to get a random value:

Main contract (Ethereum)


pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "

import "./ChainlinkVRF.sol";

contract MyContract {

ChainlinkVRF vrf;

constructor() {

vrf = new ChainlinkVRF();


function getRandomValue() public view returns (uint256) {

uint256 randomValue = vrf.random(100);

// Use a random value as needed

return randomValue;



Custom VRF Implementation

If you prefer to manage the oracle node yourself, here is a simple example of creating a customVrfClientinstance:


pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "

contract MyCustomContract {

VrfClient vrfClient;

constructor() {

vrfClient = new VrfClient();


function getRandomValue() public view returns (uint256) {

uint256 randomValue = vrfClient.random(100);

// Use a random value as needed

return randomValue;



Oracle VRF Host Configuration

To use Chainlink VRF, you need to configure an Oracle node. Follow these steps:

  • Choose a Provider: Choose a reliable VRF provider like Infura, Alchemy or LocalNode.
  • Generate API Key: Get the API key for the selected provider.
  • Configure API Endpoint: Configure the API endpoint URL with your provider's credentials.

Example from Infura

Here's how to use Chainlink VRF with Infura:

  • Create a new project in Infura and register an account.
  • Go to the Infura Provider tab and create a new node instance.
  • Configure the API endpoint URL for your ISP, for example
  • Install the necessary libraries by running npm install chainlink-Oracle or yarn add chainlink-Oracle.


By following these steps and using Chainlink VRF, you can create a more secure, reliable, and high-quality smart contract that provides truly random numbers. Remember to always follow security and performance best practices when integrating external services into your Ethereum application.


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