Bitcoin Gui Troubleshooting Ubuntu Linux: “Distribution Package Database”
As a ardent Bitcoin user or developer, you may face problems by setting the graphics user interface (Gui) Bitcoin Core. One common problem is that the necessary libraries are not installed properly, making the GUI fail. In this article, we will look at you step by step on how to “look for your distribution packet database” to solve this problem.
Bitcoin instructions provide an explanation of a possible obstacle:
“If all the necessary libraries are installed, Bitcoin will not be able to start.”
This means that you need to install the Libqt4-OpensSl-Dev “and ‘Libssl-Dev’s packages for the gui to operate properly. However, it is possible that these addictions by default may be included in your Ubuntu Linux system.
To solve this problem, you will need to manually install the necessary libraries using the package manager, or by downloading and collecting them from the source. Here are the steps:
1. Method: Using apt-get
SUDO APT-GET Install LIBQT4-OPENSL -on Libssl-Dev
This will install the necessary addictions to run Bitcoin.
2. Method: Summarizing the necessary libraries from the source
If you want to directly make libraries, you can download the source code and create them yourself:
- Install Openssl by downloading it from [Openssl Site] ( Follow the site instructions to install the required packages.
- Create a new directory for Bitcoin to compile and browse in it:
MKDIR Bitcoin-Qt
CD Bitcoin-Qt
- Clone the Bitcoin source code by launching:
git clone
- Create the necessary libraries using:
SUDO APT-GET Install LIBQT4-Dev Libssl-Dev
SU -C “CD Bitcoin && ./Configure” && Make && Make install “
It will collect and install the necessary addictions.
Alternative Solution: Using Construction"
Alternatively, you can use a package manager such as “APT-GET” to make sure you include all the necessary addictions:
SUDO APT-GET Install Construction Work
However, this may not be enough if you have problems with other addictions.
Check the installation
After installing the necessary libraries, check that they are properly installed by checking the Bitcoin Core installation directory:
Ls -l/USR/LOCAL/BIN/Bitcoin -qt
If everything is installed correctly, you should see a list of files and directors that indicate the presence of addictions required.
Tips and Variations
- Make sure to check your special Ubuntu Linux version of the documentation to make sure you include proper addiction.
- If you are using a custom repository or packet manager, be sure to check if it includes all the necessary addictions.
- Consider creating a separate directory for Bitcoin and isolated from other projects.
When performing these steps, you should be able to “look for a distribution package database” to solve the problem with the Gui Ubuntu Linux. Happy encoding!
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