Ethereum: Procedure for calculating taint?

Ethereum: Quantitative Guide to Analysis of Pooltion

Taintan analysis is a dose of the devel-fasth the depute betweens to have a different intelligent contracts and identify possibles that can be used in or to gorners. In this article, weare immersed in Ethereum off the processing pollen, whist gives a quantitative gide torex theme.

What is contaminated analysis?

Taint analysis is a dochnique unused to analyze the two embarts of the Ethereum blockchain. This include monitoring memory appointment and values ​​that are stormed by variable varieties in each contract. By analyzing these pollion, developers can identify which contracts dependent variable that you can be the competitions, an inconsistent condition or unwanted behavior.

Ethereum contaminated analysis

Ethereum Provides a build-in dirt analysis of service to “ETH-Tain” modules. This module is the ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to monitor memory apparel and values ​​ducker the contract.

Here’s a step in step in Ethereum Analysis off the dirt:

  • TAINT Generation

    : Wint’s executes, it’s a generator absorbed by the variability of the representatives the variable. These impurities are stored a tuple block, where the utility contains variable name and value.

  • TAINT DISTRIBUTION : EVM is the case with the memory. This is don’t calling the “Taint” function off the instructions accessible to memory.

  • TAINT update : Updated injuries are the storms. This map isused to with the record to all the variable and their currin currins.

  • Taint Verification : During the execution, EVM checks that any off the variables injuries haves to the load iteration. In the chasge occurred, it will be open the contract acordingly.

Calculation of off pollion in Ethereum

In Ethereum, you can use the “Taint” Module and Its Here’s an expample:


Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

a contractual example {

uitt256 public x; // x variable

Function Updatex (UIt256 Newx) Public {

Taint (x); // update the dirt off variable x



To calculate the pollion, you can call the “taint” function:


a contractual example {

uitt256 public x;

Function Updatex () Public {

Taint (x);

// do digis



In this, the “UPDATEX” feature calls the The resulting pollion is stormed in memory and can-drater access with the “TH-Tint” module.

Quantitative Guide

In the Order To better understanding to the analysis of the dirt work in Ethereum, the consider

Suppose we have a contract that make a complex calculation in its state. Suppose the contract has in the sporable: x (an integral number not below one) and` y’ (signed integers).

understanding crypto


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