Ethereum: Requirements to accept and send SegWit transactions?

Here’s an article about Ethereum: Requests for accepting and sending segwit transactions:

Understanding Segwit

Segwit’s segregated witness is new to adjust the size of the Ethereum network that aims to improve the scalability and usability of blockchain. In order to adapt to this change, Ethereum introduced two separate sending addresses and receiving the SEGWIT transaction: M/0 ‘/1’/0.

What do these addresses look like?

These addresses are in M/0 '/1'/0, where:

  • M is a prefix indicating that this is a segwit address

  • 0 '' is the number of the SEGWIT block settings

  • 1′is a witness number (eg 1 for proof of constant time or 2 for evidence of variable time)

  • 0is a priority level of transaction

How do these addresses work?

To send segwit transactions, you need to create a new block and include two special addresses:M/0 ‘/1’ $ IM/1 '/0'. These addresses are used to send and receive segwit transactions.

When sending a transaction, the sender creates a new block with these two addresses as his signature. The second address is used as a “label” indicating which transaction should be included in the block.

When receiving a transaction, the receiver checks that the correct signature (ie, “M/0 ‘/1’ $ IM/1 '/0' address) before including it in their block.

Key requirements for accepting segwit transactions

To accept segwit transactions, you must:


  • ** Install S

  • have enough memory and storage : Segwit transactions require more memory and storage than regular transactions, so make sure your computer has enough resources to wear.

  • Configure your wallet settings : You may need to adjust your wallet settings to adjust the SEGWIT transaction.

Additional considerations

Although segwit is a significant improvement over the previously adjustment of the block size (1MB), it is crucial to keep in mind:

  • Segwit transactions require more memory and storage, which can affect the overall performance of your Ethereum network.

  • There may be additional complexity when sending and receiving segwit transactions.

If you are new to Segwit or Ethereum in general, it is recommended to start with a test resident or a developmental environment before trying to use Segwit on Mainnet.


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