Ethereum: Transaction marked as “Newly generated coins” on

Understanding of Ethereum transactions: “Lack of input data” and coins generated by mining

As a cryptocurrency enthusiast, often meeting extraordinary transactions on blockchain platforms. Recently, I came across a significant example of a transaction marked as “freshly generated coins” on, causing curiosity about its implication. In this article, we deepen what these labels mean and examine the relationship between mining coins and the “no voice” label. Cryptovalcance Gate is one of the most popular exchanges of cryptocurrencies and monitoring available online. It provides detailed information on individual transactions in the blockchain network, including transactional abbreviations, blocks of blocks and time markers. By examining these data, users can get information on Ethereum transactions used for various blockchain purposes.

“No input” transactions label

When we meet a transaction marked as “new generation coins”, at first glance it may seem contrary to intuition. However, in the context of Ethereum, this label usually indicates that the transaction includes coins or tokens generated by mining. Here’s what’s behind this notation:

  • Mineral activity : In recent years, the Ethereum network has recorded a significant increase in mining activities. Miners compete for the verification of transactions and the creation of new blocks, which encourages their efforts through prizes. This process is known as “mining”.

  • These new generation coins are then added to the Ethereum ecosystem, or extract or by incorporating existing addresses.

  • Transactions label : the “Mancance of entry” label suggests that this transaction does not require input data from the sender’s wallet (ie it is not necessary to pay to start transactions). Instead, it includes the creation of new coins through mining.

30 Confirmation and high volume of transactions

The fact that this transaction has 30 confirmations in blockchain. Information is often used as a measure to evaluate its ID. In the context of Ethereum, a higher number of confirmation usually indicates greater trust in the validity of the transaction. With 30 confirmations, it suggests that the sender’s portfolio was involved in the transaction process and that the coins were successfully transferred from one address to another.

However, having 30 confirmations does not necessarily mean that all these transactions are authentic or important. An account with a high transaction content can accumulate many transactions with “input data” labels without any harmful activity.

Generated coins: double sword

The existence of coins generated by the extraction on Blockchain Ethereum has both positive and negative implications:

* Augmented security : By presenting new coins through extraction, the network becomes safer because it adds a layer of randomness to the transaction.

* Reduction is based on the central organs : the decentralized nature of Blockchain Ethereum encourages users to trust mutual without relying on centralized institutions.

However, the existence of coins generated by mining also raises concerns on:

* Centralization and censorship : If too many accounts are involved in the creation of new coins, this can lead to an increase in centralization and potential censorship.

* Control of control : When more transactions include new coins, the regulatory authorities can analyze these activities, potentially influencing the ecosystem.


To summarize, the transaction label “without input data” on Blockchain Ethereum indicates that the transaction includes generated coins.

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