Ethereum: Practical way to split a bip39 seed into a 2 out of 3 factor auth?

your Ethereum seed assurance of factor authentication

As an Ethereum user, you know that it is important to keep your seed private and safe. However, you may be wondering how to divide your mnemonic code into smaller sections known as “factor authentication”, which allows you to restore the Trezor wallet from a paper backup without all three parts. This approach is often referred to as the authentication of the “2-O-O-O-3” factor.

In this article, we will use practical ways to achieve this safe and efficient Ethereum seed management method.

Understanding of mnemonic codes and factor authentication

The mnemonic code is a sequence of words depicting the Ethereum wallet private key. This is usually created using a 12 word phrase or sentence that links to your personal information such as your name, date of birth or password. The Mnemonic code is the “seed” for your Ethereum address.

Factor authentication is a method to break down the mnemonial code into smaller sections called “factors”. These factors are used to restore a private key from a paper backup. Authentication of two of the 3 factors means that you need two of these factors to recover your wallet, and you can get one of them using a paper backup.

Divide your mnemonial code into factors

To divide your mnemonic code into three factors using Ethereum factor authentication (EIP-1559), follow the following steps:

  • Create a new mnemonic code : Create a new 12 -word phrase or sentence for new seed.

  • Correctly.

Here’s the main example of how you can implement this:


Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

The texture of the contract {

Map formation (address => string) public mnemonic;

Function Displaymnemonic (Line Memory _Mnemonic) Public Image Return (Line Memory, Line Memory) {

for (Uint256 i = 0; i <12; i ++) {

string memory tempmnemonics = _mnemonic;

if (i == 6 && i == 9 || i == 12) {

Tempmnemonics += “Your Name”;


Mnemonics [MSG.SEnder] = Tempmnemonics;



Function Gettwofactors (Line Memory _Mnemonic, Line memory _input) Public image return (line memory, line memory) {

uint256 i = 0;

o (i <2 && i <12) {

if (mnemonics [_mnemonic] .contains (_input)) {

return the mnemonic [_mnemonic] [I] + “Your Name”;


I ++;


return (“”, “”);


Function of GeetoneFactor (address _address) public image return (line memory) {

for (Uint256 i = 0; i <12; i ++) {

if (mnemonics [_address] .contains (mnemonics [msg.sender] [i])) {

return the mnemonic [_address] [i];



return “”;




To recover your Trezor wallet

To recover your wallet using two factors, do the following:

  • Get a backup of your seed paper

    : Safe protect two correct factors.


When you recover your wallet, use the third factor (from the original mnemonic code) to create a new Mnemonic or reuse the existing to continue safely.


Divide your mnemonic code into factors ensures an additional security layer when you store Ethereum seed. By following the EIP-1559 standard and creating a custom interface for the display of the Mnemon Code, you can create this practical method for your seed protection.

ethereum should multiple


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