Solana: Speed up Websocket Connection

Optimizing WebSocket Connections on Solana: Accelerate the log subscription

As a developer with Solana, you are likely to know the fast and scalable blockchain platform. However, when it comes to a real-time logging subscription, the delay can be a significant limited cross-section through Websketts. In this article, we examine the possibilities of optimizing the WebSocket connection on Solana, focusing specifically on reducing the delay from the logs subscription method.

The current release

If you use the “Subscribe” method with “JSONRPC” 2.0, the default timeout for Solana’s implementation is 17 seconds. This means that if you do not actively monitor the log subscription process, you will be approx. It can take 17 seconds.

Optimizing the WebSocket connection

To accelerate the log subscription and to reduce the delay, we need to examine the underlying code that manages this request. Let’s dive into how Solana implements this method:


Const log = {

Subscribe: Async (Channelname) => {{

Const Skett = new WebSocketchannel (channelaname);

Wait Socket.onmessage ((message) => {{

// The log message here ...


Returning substrate;



Async Function Main () {

Const channelname = 'my_channel_name';

Const logsubscription = waiting for log.subscribe (Channelname);

Try {

while (true) {

Const Message = Looking forward to logsubscription.send (json.stringify ({{

Jsonrpc: '2.0',

Method: "Getlogcount",

Params: [Channelname],


console.log (message);


} catch (error) {

// Hold the errors here ...



Developing a WebSocket connection

Based on our analysis, we can improve the WebSocket connection by optimizing the “subscription” method and using more advanced WebSockets features.

  • Use a dedicated WebSocket channel

    : Consider creating a separate WebSocket channel for each log subscription request instead of using the default “jsonrpc” version 2.0. This reduces the general costs related to the default timeout.


Const log = {

Subscribe: Async (Channelname) => {{

Const Skett = new WebSocketchannel (channelaname);

Returning substrate;



Message Line execution : Introduce a message series to manage log messages asynchronously. This allows you to process messages at your own pace instead of relying on the direct webshocket on recalls.


Const log = {

Subscribe: Async (Channelname) => {{

Const Skett = new WebSocketchannel (channelaname);

Returning substrate;


Getlogmessagequeue: Async () => {{


// Add the log messages to the queue here ...

return line;



  • Use a more efficient message format

    : Consider using a more efficient message format, for example, instead of “buffer” instead of “Json”, which reduces the general costs related to desterialization.


Const log = {

Subscribe: Async (Channelname) => {{

Const Skett = new WebSocketchannel (channelaname);

Returning substrate;




By implementing this optimization, it can significantly reduce the approx. A delay of 17 seconds. This allows you to receive real -time log data and respond accordingly, ensuring that the application remains reacting and effective.

Do not forget to try these changes in a development environment before installing them in production. Happy coding!

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