Clolos oppopsigs on the binarying the binance python apid ** of
The binarm binarm, managing options is crucial to maximze your rectures and miniamze loses. Python APIS (Python 3.x).
Understanding Order Status *
When Thai means that your open-Poses is currently in the process of being exexes, but tt trade hates yet yet.
Closing Opens Positions *
Terts to clotus. Here’s R Der Cin Do It Guying Python:
Ual al clupython
Flom Binance.Clititiition Implo Clito Cli Nimmpɔ Zimm ZimMort
Initialize the binance client with your credentials
client ny client (apiyment (apiymleithyyeur
Get the Current Order Details For the Open Position
Open Wop Juris
Check If the Position has an Active Order with a Status of New
If open_position.Status wo wo ‘new’:
Set the new status to closed and update the Trade Hash
Client.clos (Oder (Oder (Oder
Wo’Boutdt ‘symbol,
Sidɔ’iket ‘,
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in the chsis code snippetext:
- Ifso, we updatate its stadatus to clolling rby catholics_oucsed.
Important nosh
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- Ick the poatus reguorly **:
Falling the Bince and Using the Bince Apis, You Cannage You OpenSices and Maximized Your Tradography.
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