Solana: How to combine pre-signed VersionedTransactions in solana with js sdk

Combining Pre-Signed Transactions on Solana Using the JavaScript SDK

As a developer, you often need to manage transactions on the Solana blockchain. One of the most efficient ways to do this is by using the JavaScript SDK provided by Solana. In this article, we will learn how to combine pre-signed transactions into one.

What are Versioned Transactions?

Versioned transactions are an important part of Solana’s transaction protocol. They allow multiple versions of a transaction to be stored on the blockchain, each with its own unique hash and timestamp. This is useful when you need to roll back or undo some changes to a transaction.

Pre-Signed Transactions

A pre-signed transaction is a pre-signed version of a transaction that can be used to execute the transaction without actually signing it. Pre-signing a transaction means generating an unsigned transaction that is signed with a public key, but does not include any actual data.

Combining pre-signed transactions

To combine signed transactions into one, you can use the “VersionedTransaction” object and add all the versions together into a single transaction.

Here is an example of how to do this using the JavaScript SDK:

import { VersionedTransaction } from '@solana/web3.js';

export const combineVersionedTransactions = (

rawTransactions: VersionedTransaction[],

blockhash: string,

feePayer: public key,

) => {

// Create a new transaction object

const tx = new VersionedTransaction();

// Add all the transaction versions to the new transaction

rawTransactions.forEach((version) => {



// Set the block hash, fee payer, and other properties as needed

// Return the signed combined transaction

return tx;


Using the Combine Transaction Function

To use this function in your application, you can call it with the raw transactions, block hash, and fee payer:

const combineTransactions = combineVersionedTransactions(


new VersionedTransaction(),

new VersionedTransaction(), // Add another version of a transaction


'block hash',

fee payer,



There are several benefits to using this approach:

  • Reduced overhead: By not having to sign each individual transaction, you save compute resources and network bandwidth.
  • Improved performance: Combining pre-signed transactions can improve the overall processing speed of your application.
  • Simplified code: The VersionedTransaction object makes it easier to manage multiple versions of a transaction in a single transaction.

Example use case

Here is an example use case where we combine two versioned transactions:

import { combineVersionedTransactions } from './combineVersionedTransactions.js';

const feePayer = new PublicKey('feePayerAddress');

const blockhash = 'blockhash';

constant transactions = [

new VersionedTransaction(),

new VersionedTransaction(), // Add another version of a transaction


const combinedTx = combineVersionedTransactions(


block hash,

fee payer,



Using this approach, you can easily combine pre-signed transactions into one and simplify your code. This makes it easier to manage multiple versions of a transaction on the Solana blockchain.

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