Ethereum: safe-global/auth-kit CORS policy issues on localhost

Ethereum: Safe-Global/Auth Kit CORS Policy Issues on localhost

As an Ethereum developer, you’re like familiar With the importance of cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policies in modern web applications. Howver, Safe-Global/Auth Kit, a poplar for authenticating users on Etherum, rites like CORS.js.

The Issue:

When using Safe-Global/Auth Kit on localhost, you can encunter CORS polys issuli issuli issuli is the ethreum blockchain. This because Safe-Global/Auth Kit Relies on CORS-enable librarys like CORS.js to detect and handle cross-origin requests.

Workaround Options:

To resolve this issue, we’ll explore two potential workronds:

  • Disable CORS for Safe-Global/Auth Kit

    : On solution is to disable ition file.

20 S.js.

Option 1: Disable CORS for Safe-Global/Auth Kit

You can disable the CORS policy for Safe-Global/Auth Kit book


import { SafeGlobal } from 'safe-global';

Const safeGlobal = new SafeGlobal({

mode: 'disable',



// Your authentication of the credentials...


By settingmodeto'disable', you'll disable CORS for Safe-Global/Auth Kit on localhost. However, keep in mind that way, soome of your aplication's functionality.

Option 2: Use a different authentication library

If you're to disable CORS for Safe-Global/Auth Kit, you can explore alternative authentication that don't rely on rely on the COROS.js. One option is to use theethers.jslibrary, it is a authentication API that doesn't require CORS.

Here's an example of you can integrateethers.js. with Safe-Global/Auth Kit:


import { SafeAuthPack } from 'safe-auth-pack';

import { SafeGlobal } from 'safe-global';

const safeAuthPack = new SafeAuthPack({

// Your authentication of the credentials...


const safeGlobal = new SafeGlobal();


By using ethers.jswith Safe-Global/Auth Kit, you can avoid CORS policy issule on localhost.


While disable the CORS policy for Safe-Global/Auth Kit Mayse a virkaround, it's essential to we the potentials the drawbacks. By exploring alternative authentication libraries or adjusting your configuration settings, you can ensure a smooth user experience on localhost without relying on CORS-enabled libraries.

Tips and Recommendations:

  • When switching to a different authentication library, make to update any dependencies in your project project.

  • Consider Usingethers.js` With Safe-Global/Auth Kit for more reliable and cross-origin-awre authentication.

  • Keep in mind that soome features or functionality it can be affected by the CORS policy.

By implementing thee workrooms or alternatives, you can ensure a seamless user experence on localhost allocest worth it.

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