Ethereum: Difference between Sign Message and Sign Transaction

Unlock Ethereum’s secrets: Understanding signatures and signature transaction

Ethereum is a decentralized platform of an open source code that revolutionize the way we consider digital assets. One of the innovative Ethereum features is its ability to prove the address of the address through a simple but powerful mechanism called “Sign Message”. However, what exactly are signature reports and signature transactions and how do they work? In this article, we will divide the differences between the two concepts and help you understand the internal functioning of Ethereum.

What are considerable news?

The character message is a chain readable by a person signed with a private key belonging to Ethereum. To demonstrate ownership, the owner signs a message using his private key, which creates a digital signature. This signature serves as evidence that the owner is an eligible owner of the associated EThereum account.

How do signature messages work?

When a user wants to convert funds or create an intelligent contract in the Ethereum network, he must first sign a chain readable by a person (known as “message”) using a private key. Message can be any chain, but it is usually a simple phrase that reveals information about the account owner. For example::


The user will then provide this message together with their public address and digital signature created by signing the message.

What are the signs of transactions?

The sign transaction is a more advanced concept than a sign report. The sign transaction has a larger entry, usually an intelligent Ethereum contract or specific data and returns a signed transaction that can be used to transfer funds or to create a new network account.

Signature transactions work similarly to signing messages, but require additional inputs and outputs. The process includes:

  • Signing of a message using a private key belonging to the address of the Ethereum sender.

  • Creating a digital signature for input data (eg an intelligent contract).

  • Combination of these two signatures into one transaction.

Key differences between signature messages and transactions in signatures

To sum up, the main difference between messages and character transactions is the level of complexity and the type of output they create:

* Message signed : A simple chain readable human reading signed with a private key that provides proof of ownership.

* Sign

Transaction: A more complex transaction that involves signing a message and creating a digital signature for input data.

In short, it is possible to prove the ownership of the address by signing a chain of a readable person using a private key belonging to the address. This process is simple but powerful, allowing users to set their identity in the Ethereum network. On the other hand, signatures provide more advanced features, including the transfer of funds or the creation of new accounts.

By understanding the differences between these two concepts, you will be better equipped to orientation in the complex Ethereum world and unlock its full potential as a decentralized digital assets ecosystem.



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