Solana: Error using concurrent merkle tree: Invalid root recomputed from proof when use updateMetadata


As a CNFTS Developer Solana Blockchain, the renewal off metadata can be a sample. However, When Confronted with a Mistake of Repeated Compposition of the Merkle Tree, many creators were disappointed. In this article, we walk into this problem and make recommenations on the resolve it.


Error occursa in an adding to update Solan block circuit CNFT metadata. The UPDATEMETAADADATE Method is calling with an invalid root is repeateddly calllaculated from the evidence. This can be to inconsistent network status and can cause CNFT function problem.

Here is the reference of material you doe:

  • [Solana API documentation] ( metadata///index.html)

  • [CNFT documentation “Solana”] (


Demonstration purposes, say we have ads a CNFT with a contract with this code:


import {program} from Solan-Program;

Import {update metadata} for the “../lib/Update metadata”;

async Function Main () {

// Initiate metadata

CONS metadata = waiting for Getmethadata ();

try {

// Update metadata

wait for upy metadata (methata);

} catch (error) {

If (rearing instance from specialty && different.message.includes (“wrong root”) {

// Arrange the different by re-connecting the root off proof

CEOF = wait for Get Prooforupdate ();

CONST ROT = Wait for Computemellelleree (proof);

try {

// Update metadata with new roots

wait for upy metadata (methata, root);

} catch (error) {


console.error (arror);


} ELSE {

throw an earror;




Async’s feature off Getmethata () {

// Return several sample metadata data

to return

“Some aller information about metadata”




Function off GetProoff Porpdate () {


the return a new promise (resolve => setmeout (() => resolve (New Uint8Rray (32)), 100);


Async’s feature off Computermerslletree (proof) {

// Calculate the Markele Trees

the return a new promise (Resolve => Setter () => Resolve (New Uint8Rray (256)), 200);


basic ();



To Solve this problem, welfare the evigence on the metadata the metadata. This can be achieved by entering a new variables to see the theme.


import {program} from Solan-Program;

Import {update metadata} for the “../lib/Update metadata”;

CNTF Class {

Private update Progress = FALSE;

private proof = 0;

async of getmethata () {

IF. // is upgraded, do not plate

This.Prowdex ++;

CONST METADATA = waiting for the getmethatafromproof ();

the return metadata;


Async upgrade metadata (methata) {

IF (this.Updatein progress) Discard a new earror (“wrong roots move from the proof”);

this.Updatein progressor = TRUE;

try {

// Update metadata wesing metadata

wait for upy metadata (methata);

} catch (error) {

If (rearing instance from specialty && error.message.includes (“wrong root”) {

// Arrange the different by re-connecting the root off proof

CONST proffix = this.prowenindex;

CEOFDATA = waiting for Getprooffromindex (Porochididex);

try {

this.Updatein progressor = false; // reset the up


pool risk


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