Ethereum: Why don’t P2PK scripts have their own direction?
In the world of cryptocurrency technology and blockchain, addresses play a crucial role in the mapping of specific wallets and blocking scripts. In this article, we will deepen why the script of the public key of Ethereum (P2PK) does not have its own address.
What is a scriptpubkey?
Before immersing themselves in the reasons why P2PK scripts do not have their own direction, let’s quickly review what a scriptpubkey is. A scriptpubkey is a digital signature that represents a user’s public key and allows them to interact with intelligent contracts in the Ethereum block chain.
Why not a separate address for P2PK scripts?
If the P2PK scripts did not have their own address, it would be more convenient for users to administer multiple accounts, each with their own separate wallet. However, this approach has several inconveniences:
- Scalability: Having separate addresses for P2PK scripts means that each user would need a unique wallet for each transaction they make, which can lead to scalability problems.
- Safety: With more addresses, it becomes more difficult to manage and ensure multiple wallets, since there is a greater risk that someone compromises a wallet to access others.
- User experience: Having separate addresses for P2PK scripts means that users would have to remember multiple wallets, which can be inconvenient and slow.
Main characters and scriptdecodes
To understand why P2PK scripts do not have their own direction, let’s take a look at how the leading characters are assigned to scriptdecodes. In Ethereum, the main character of an address determines which script points.
Here are some examples:
: Point out the predetermined public key (1)
0x ...
: Point the specific P2PK script
0x ...
: Scriptpubkey points out
To decode a main character, you should know what to point to. This is where the logic of the wallet enters.
Wallet logic and scriptdecodes
In Ethereum wallets, the scriptdecoded function takes an address as entrance and returns the corresponding P2PK script or scriptpubkey. This is done by analyzing the main characters of the direction.
Here is an example:
Getscript Function (address: String) public view returns (bytes memory) {
// Get the main characters
bytes32 leadarchers = keccak256 (address);
// Decode the main characters in a scriptdecode
Bytes memory scriptdecode = abi.encodepacked (leading charra);
return scriptdecode;
In this example, theGetcript` takes an address as entrance and returns the corresponding P2PK script or scriptpubkey.
While having separate addresses for P2PK scripts may seem convenient, it is actually a complex problem with multiple factors that contribute to its design. By understanding how leading characters are assigned to scriptdecodes in Ethereum wallets, we can appreciate the complexity of administering multiple accounts and transactions in the block chain.
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