Ethereum: k-th auction confusion from Vitalik’s article

Vulnerability of the Ethereum K-T auction: gas price and minor power

In a recent article by Vitalik Boterin, the Ethereum co-founder underlined one of the main weaknesses of the current auction mechanism. The K -Th stem, introduced as part of the Ethereum 2.0 update, is based on gas prices to determine the order of execution of transactions. However, this system has shown that it is vulnerable to manipulation, in particular with regard to the power of the minor.

To illustrate the problem, we examine the prices of the gas indicated and assume that a minor has around 10,000 Ethereum (ETH) units in their portfolio:

| Gas price | ETH |

| — | — |

| 0.02 | 200 ETH |

| 0.03 | 300 ETH |

| 0.05 | 500 ETH |

| 0.08 | 800 ETH |

| 0.13 | 1,600 ETH |

| 0.19 | 3,000 ETH |

| 1.00 | 10,000 ETH |

The algorithm of the K-Th Alloca A random index (K) to the transaction, determining its order of execution among other factors such as the prices of gas and priority votes. However, if minors are able to handle their gas prices, they can influence the assignment of the clues.

Vitalik’s article highlights different ways that this vulnerability could be exploited:

* Inflation of gas prices : if more minors with large ETH participations have access to a high gas price (for example 0.13), they can try to artificially inflate their index values ​​by making Gas prices, potentially obtain more favorable transaction orders.

* Miner’s Power Concentration

: A concentrated group of powerful minors could use this mechanism to influence the auction and guarantee a greater transaction priority, giving them an unjust advantage than the others.

To alleviate these risks, Vitalik suggests several potential solutions:

  • Stabilization of gas prices

    : The implementation of a gas price stabilization mechanism could reduce the impact of volatile prices on the minor’s energy dynamics.



The vulnerability of K-T auction highlights the need for continuous research and developments to strengthen Ethereum ecosystem against potential handling attempts. Although the platform continues to evolve, it is essential to give priority to transparency, security and equity in its design and implementation.

By recognizing these weaknesses, developers can work to mitigate them and create a more robust and equitable blockchain experience for all users.

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