Metamask: Why does my from address changes when signing an eth_sign transaction

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Understanding why your address changes by signing an ethsign transaction

When it comes to the creation and signing of Ethereum’s transactions through the Web3, one of the most depressed issues that developers encounter is unpredictable for their actions. In this article, we will go deeper as to why this is happening and we will provide some troubleshooting measures to solve the problem.

Problem: Unpredictable of addresses

Ethereum has a unique identifier known as the Ethereum address or “from” address. These addresses are generated using sophisticated mathematical algorithms and are used to identify and track transactions in the blockchain. However, when creating a new deal using the Web3, the address changes randomly.

Why is this happening?

The reason for this behavior is how Ethereum’s smart contract functionality works with its token system. When you sign the Ethsign transaction (type of signed message containing the sender’s signature and cargo), the address is calculated based on cargo. However, as web3 rely on external data sources such as Etherscan or Infura to obtain information on the contract you interact with, there are several factors that can contribute to this unpredictability:

* Delivering Data Coming : When your application obtains data via external API, such as Etherscan or Infura, it may take some time to process and return the data. This delay can lead to a new address generation.

* API Answer Errors : API answers can sometimes return errors that affect the address calculations. If you have a mistake, your application may receive an incorrect or outdated reaction, which leads to unpredictable addresses.

* Gas ​​prices and charges : Gas prices and transaction fees can also affect the accuracy of the address. In some cases, high gas prices or fees may cause your application to request from the address.

Troubleshooting Actions

You can try the following to solve this problem:

  • Check that there is no data delay : Make sure your Web3 application is waiting for external data sources such as Etherscan or Infura before attempting to sign transactions.

  • Check the API Answer Errors : If you get a mistake when recovering the data, review the API answer and make sure it is accurate and relevant to your application.

Monitor gas prices and fees : Adjust gas prices or fees as needed to reduce the impact on the address accuracy.

Understanding the root cause of this issue and implementing these troubleshooting activities, you should be able to resolve the unpredictable of the addresses related to the signing of Ethsign transactions using the Web3.D.

Example of use of use

Here is an example of how you can modify your code to process unexpected from addresses:


ASYNC Function Createtransaction (LayLoad) {

// Calculate from address based on cargo

Const fromsddress = Calculate Noomaddress (cargo);

Try {

// sign the deal using the Web3.js

Const SignedTransaction = Expect Web3.eth.Signtransaction ({NO: fromaddress});

// Send the transaction to Ethereum

Const Txhash = Expect Web3.eth.SensignedTransaction (Signaturetransaction.rawtx);

Console.log (‘Successfully sent a transaction:’, txhash);

} Catch (error) {

Console.Error (‘Error or transaction transaction:’, error);



// Call this feature with cargo to create and sign a transaction

Createtransaction (cargo);


By including these steps, you should be able to solve the problem of unpredictable from addresses by signing Ethsign transactions using Web3.



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