Solana atomic swap transactions: step by step
In today’s world of decentralized exchange (Dexs), nuclear swaps have become a trading converter. Atomic exchange is a type of surgery that allows consumers to exchange two cryptocurrencies or chips in one, nuclear operation, ensuring overall security and reducing the risk of errors. In this article, we will investigate how to make the atomic Solana swap, focusing on writing a program that buys Raydium, then selling it Orca and returning the consumer if there is a mistake at the time of sale.
What is an atomic exchange?
Before diving into details, let’s quickly define what an atomic exchange is. Atomic exchange is a type of surgery that ensures that the series of operations will be carried out as one without leaving any intermediate status or risk. These are, unlike traditional exchange transactions, where each operation is performed separately and can occur in errors.
Programming language choice
You will need to choose a programming language to install Solana atomic swap. In this example, we will use Python, which perfectly supports the Solana node API.
Environmental setting
First of all, make sure you have the following prejudices:
- Solana node:
Solana install
- Python 3.7+ (with Py-Solana packaging)
- Compatible wallet (eg Solana Cli)
Implementation of atomic exchange
Here is a step -by -step guide to implement Solana's nuclear exchange:
Step 1: Set your wallet
Create a new wallet using Solana Cli:
Solana Keygen -Path wallet.json
Create a private key and hold it on Wallet.json. You can also use the default key.
Step 2: Define features
Define two features that will be used for an atomic exchange:
: Buying the Raydium access key using Solana Cli.
- Selltokenonorca: Selling Orca token using Solanos Cli.
Here are the Python features:
Imported Solana Cli
Def Buy_Token_on_Raydium (Private_Key, sum):
“” Buy the token on Raydium. ” “” “” “”
raydium = cli.solana_from_path (private_key.path)
result = raydium.send_prick (
“Raydium token Program”,
Program_id: Raydium-token-Program,
“Sum”: {“Type”: Uint8, meaning: amount},
{“Wait_time”: 2000},
wait for the program to end
The result of the refund
Def Sell_Token_on_orca (Private_Key, sum):
“” Sell the Orca mark. ” “” “” “”
Orca = cli.solana_from_path (private_key.path)
result = orca.send_prick (
Orca Token Program,
Program_id: Orca-token-Program,
“Sum”: {“Type”: Uint8, meaning: amount},
{“Wait_time”: 2000},
wait for the program to end
The result of the refund
Def Atomic_swap (Private_Key, sum):
“” Do the atomic exchange. ” “” “” “
Buy_result = Buy_Token_on_Raydium (Private_Key, sum)
Sell_result = Sell_Token_on_orca (Private_Key, sum)
If Buy_result.status! = “OK” or Sell_result.status! = “OK”:
Return {“Error”: “Error during swaps”}
Step 3: Run atomic exchange
Now that you have defined features, you can run an atomic exchange:
Private_Key = “Road/to/Private/Key”
Amount = 100,000
Change the desired amount of token
Swap_result = Atomic_swap (Private_Key, sum)
Print the swap result
Error handling
You can add errors to check and registration to control errors during swaps. Here is an updated implementation:
Imported Solana Cli
Def Buy_Token_on_Raydium (Private_Key, sum):
“” Buy the token on Raydium. ” “” “” “”
raydium = cli.solana_from_path (private_key.path)
Result = Raydium.
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